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For the fulfillment of our goals and in order to achieve the daring goals of the Create Your Future project, we have gathered together some great organisations from all over Europe:
CATRO is an international company for HR Consulting, which specializes in recruitment, training, consulting, coaching and EU projects. CATRO’s young team of professionals knows all the secrets of the Recruitment and selection process and how to make the perfect match between you and the most suitable employer! Check more here:
www.catrobg.com and also their previous project for job support:
www.getready2work.eu Association Children with oncohematologic diseases
Association “Children with Onco-hematological Diseases” is established in 21.10.2010 by parents of children with oncological and hematological diseases. It is the only parenting organization in Bulgaria for children with onco-hematological diseases which offers complex care – psychological support for both children and parents, art therapy, pedagogical sessions, consultations – all aimed at overcoming social adjustment, emotional effects of the disease and facilitating reintegration and return to normal life. One of the main objectives is the establishment of groups for self-support and the development of a society of survivors of childhood cancer in Bulgaria. In 2013, the association’s daily centre was opened in Sofia, because children, their parents and their whole families meet difficulties in many aspects in their everyday life and need a place where they can find help. The Association is working on a project to build a National Center for Recovery and Rehabilitation of children with onco-hematological diseases.
die Berater®
die Berater® is a leading consultancy focusing on training and human resources development. Further education and training is the core business within our broad portfolio. Planning, organising and running staff-development and education programmes for approx. 23,000 participants each year, die Berater® figures amongst the largest educational institutes in Austria. Always eager to pass their know-how to others, die Berater® has been offering ICT training to children and youth with cancer since 2002, thereby offering young people undergoing medical treatment the opportunity to take part in learning activities that go beyond illness or typical school subjects, and enabling them to participate and complete the ECDL (European Computer Driving License).
Osterreichische Kinder-Krebs- Hilfe
Österreichische Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe (ÖKKH) is the Austrian childhood cancer parents and patients/survivors organisation, which is a non-profit organisation and a registered charity and it was founded in 1988. ÖKKH is a union of six regional childhood cancer organisations in Vienna/Lower Austria/Burgenland, Tyrol/Vorarlberg, Upper Austria, Carinthia, Styria and Salzburg.
The Austrian Childhood Cancer Organisation carries out the following tasks to represent the interests of affected families: Information and advice for affected families, Awareness-raising of the general public to the taboo subject of “cancer in children and teenagers” and the associated after-effects; Influencing health policy development and decisions; Psychosocial aftercare for children and teenagers suffering from cancer, their parents and siblings; Facilitate career guidance by the “Youth and their Future” project; Support for the Austrian childhood cancer survivors group; International project in Ukraine/Sumy and financing research projects.
The Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA) is a public institution devoted to support research by using advanced resources in computing and communication. CESGA has a great experience in developing and evaluating learning and collaboration proposals that make the best use of technology (e-learning). If you want to know more about us, visit
University de Santiago de Compostelo
The University of Santiago de Compostela is one of the most ancient universities in Spain and has more than five centuries of History. Nowdays it offers undergraduate courses, Masters degrees and Ph.D. programmes in all sciences and fields of knowledge. It has a structure of research groups and centres of great international prestige. The research group of Educational Technology of the Faculty of Educational Sciences is the unit responsible for the CYF project in this institution and counts on specialized teachers and researchers in e-learning who work in research fronts directed towards e-inclusion and educational innovation based on ICT. To know more:
Associated Partner
Federación Española de Padres de Niños con Cáncer (FEPNC)
La Federación Española de Padres de Niños con Cáncer (FEPNC), the Spanish Federation of childhood cancer parents’ organizations, is a non-profit organisation and a registered charity, declared of public interest. Founded in 1990, FEPNC is a parent driven organisation representing the voice of children and adolescents with cancer in Spain, coordinating the activities of 16 regional childhood cancer organisations, covering nearly the whole country. FEPNC was awarded by the Ministry of Health as the best patient support
SEN/JA (Junior Achievement)
SEN/JA Greece was established in 2005 as a non-profit organization offering educational programs on entrepreneurship, financial literacy and skills building in both private and public schools in Greece.
Within the vision to inspire and empower the youth, support SEN/JA Greece Educational Programs and promote healthy entrepreneurship, the Board of Directors strongly support the organization’s efforts and activities, despite the economic crisis in Greece they are facing as leaders in the Greek business community. Through sponsorships and volunteer programs, numerous of national and international businesses offer their valuable support to SEN/JA Greece as partners or contributors, securing JA Greece programs’ sustainable future.
Associated Partner
KYTTARO - The Greek Childhood Cancer Survivors’ Association
Kyttaro is the national greek childhood cancer survivors association. It is an independent organization that has strong bonds with ‘Floga’ which is the national greek parents organization. The target group of “Kyttaro” is young adults who had cancer in childhood or adolescence.